The presentation focuses on the problems encountered when needing to deliver a daily build to QA. In most cases the delivery contains maximal features with less focus on quality, which results with builds that QA might reject immediately and features that cannot be tested. In the presentation we will demonstrate how we are able to deliver daily builds which focus on quality. We will demonstrate the method that keeps the QA busy, but not spending time on validating the features that are not working at all.
It minimizes the gap that might be created between Dev features and QA’s ability to verify them. In this session we will share multiple perspective on this solution: DevOps group manager, the DevOps engineering leader and the Product architect (R&D).
Liran Stern (38), 15 year’s experience with configuration, build and release management. Held numerous roles in several companies, most of them as a team manager. 10 years in HP Software R&D. Currently project manager in DevOps group.
Boaz Betser (38), System Architect in HP AppPulse Mobile product, Holds 15 years’ experience in software development; expert with various server & client technologies .
Aviva Levin (40), DevOps group Manager, Holds 17 years’ of experience in design and implementation of effective development and release processes, as well as 15 years of experience in management of multi-disciplinary teams.